The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
A video showing a group of women in uniform claiming to be from the Indian Army is being circulated on social media....
Photos of people damaging the television after India was defeated by Pakistan at the Champion's Trophy in the year 2017 are being...
A video of a man gunning down a buffalo is being shared on social media claiming it to be from India. Please...
A video from Karachi Pakistan is shared with communal claims on social media and is claimed to be from Kerala (India). Please...
A video of two brothers reuniting after a long gap of 74 years of India-Pakistan partition is being shared with the false...
A year-old video from Karachi Pakistan is shared from India claiming it to be from India. Please read more about it in...
The post with old images from Iraq from the year 2014 is shared with false claims of the Taliban people blasting Mosque...
The fake screenshot of the Gulf News article with the edited date for the suspension of flights from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and...
The images of Rakhi Sawant from the film Mudda 370 J&k are viral with the false caption. Please read more about it...