Incorrect information is being shared on social media about Kolhapur becoming Cancerpur. Please find more details at this article.
The image of PM Modi greeting a woman is circulating with misleading captions. Please find more details at this article.
An alien similar to bat found at Kerala-Tamilnadu border is a fake post going viral. Please find more information at this article.
This false message is circulating claiming donation of 4 kidneys due to death of Mr Sudhir and his wife. Please find more...
The post is misleading with false claim about the bat virus and its relation to the death of people. Please find more...
This is a fake news that the boy was sacrificed by his own father for superstitious reasons. Please find more details at...
The image of Rahul Gandhi folding his hands for namaz in Shiv Mandir is circulating with misleading captions. Please find more details at...
This is an image of fake Rudraksha. It is being circulating for many years with different superstitious messages. Please find more details...
There are plenty of hoaxes about fruits combination being fatal. This is also one of them. Please find more details at this...
This video is circulating with wrong message saying that Indians are drinking poison and not milk and can suffer from cancer. More...