An unreal photo is shared on social media with a false claim "Earth, Venus and Jupiter as from Mars." Please read more...
The misleading post is shared on social media with claims that Pope Francis said, the COVID-19 Vaccine is required to enter heaven....
WhatsApp and Telegram forward with spam URL from the risky fraud website are shared with claims of free Women's day gift from...
A website is imitating the official CoWIN website & is asking users to register for COVID19 vaccination using a mobile number. Please...
The false post is circulating with claims that All Social Media accounts need to be verified with a government ID through mobile...
The fake WhatsApp forward is shared with claims about 30 Days Mask Checking Campaign in UP by UP Police. Please read more...
Old Image with edited text on the placard is shared as recent relating it to the petrol price hike. Please read more...
The picture of an East India Company coin with Hindu gods goes viral on social media with false claims.. Please read more...
The post shared on social media falsely claims that Disha Ravi, 22-year-old climate activist is a Syrian Christian from Kerala. Please read...
Privacy is affected by the updated Privacy Policy By WhatsApp and the users, if do not accept the new terms and conditions...