The false information is shared with claims that newly appointed SP of Chamarajanagar, Karnataka, Divya Sara Thomas had put pressure on Temple...
The fake post was shared on social media with fake claims of death of Former President Pranab Mukherjee. Please read more about...
Real Photo of a medical student is shared with false claims on a fake account. Please read more about it in the...
The image of UVA ranked No 1 Hospital is shared with claims of an announcement by Sunni Waqf board about a hospital...
The video of defence personnel singing a song is widely shared with false claims that the officer singing in video is Ex-Air...
This is a fake post circulating about India's Independence Day celebrations in London. Please read more about it in the verification section...
This post that claims that a woman set a Guinness World Record for having 14 kids with 14 different fathers circulating on...
This post circulating on social media claiming to be Ayodhya Dharma Sabha images is fake. Please find more details at this article.
This post that claims that pay for 12 hours at Toll Booth and save money circulating on social media is fake. Please...
Incorrect information is being shared on social media about a woman being harrassed in Bangalore. Please find more details at this article.