The news about an NGC (Nano GPS Chip) on the Rs. 2000/- note is a SPAM. Please find more details at the...
This is a SPAM message. There is no ban of WhatsApp in India. Please find more details at the verification section of...
This is a SPAM message. Please check the verification section of this article for more details.
This is a fake post circulting with wrong claims about childline number 1098. Please find more details at the verification section of...
This is a SPAM message, please check our verification section in this article for more details.
This is a SPAM message. There is no way you can get AIDS through eating food. Please find more details at the...
This is SPAM. Telegram is a Berlin, Germany based company. Please find more details at our verification section in this article.
The twitter post was later taken off. Please find more details at this article.
This is a SPAM and Hoax. Please check our verification section for more details.
This is a SPAM message circulating around. Please check this article for more details.