The false post is being shared on social media with claims "जो लोग COVID-19 वैक्सीन नहीं लगवाएंगे, उनके घरों की बिजली काट...
Staged Protest under the title “Empaquetados” in Colombia Shared As Taliban Suffocating Afghan Christians In Nylon Bags . Please read more about...
The post is shared with the claim that the images show the scary situation and sufferings of the Afghan people under the...
A screenshot of a morphed news report published by CNN is circulating on social media, which claims that the Taliban has banned...
Dance video of father and daughter is shared with false claims connecting it with Rajasthan DSP Hitesh Mehta. Please read more about...
The fake claims are given to the irrelevant photo claiming it to be the photo of freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. Please read...
A fake message on the name of RBI is being shared with misleading claims that people can earn Rs 4.62 crore within...
The fake post regarding the requirement of an Aadhaar Card to buy Liquor is shared attributing the written message to Ratan Tata....
A year-old video from Karachi Pakistan is shared from India claiming it to be from India. Please read more about it in...
The fake WhatsApp message is being circulated regarding the use of cow bones and calf rennet by the iD Fresh Food company....