[SPAM] सफेद परछाई जैसी प्रेत आत्मा ट्रक के ऊपर मंडराती दिख रही है
The fake post is shared with claims about a ghostly appearance outside the window
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
सफेद परछाई जैसी प्रेत आत्मा ट्रक के ऊपर मंडराती दिख रही है
Verification: The ghostly video is created graphically by an artist named Joseph Njovu. It is not real
A video with a ghostly appearance on the window is being shared on social media. It can be seen here, here. The video is being claimed to be from various places by different users. Its been shared with claims “एक खौफनाक भूत का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया में वायरल हो रहा है. वीडियो में सफेद परछाई जैसी प्रेत आत्मा ट्रक के ऊपर मंडराती दिख रही है. क्या है माजरा?” Check4Spam received the viral video for verification. Check the video shared below to know the facts:
In fact, The video is a graphic created by the artist Joseph Njovu. Check the video he uploaded with the description”Witch caught on Camera | Vfx breakdown Cinema 4d and after effects. Here is a Vfx breakdown of my recent witch caught on camera, I got the animation from mixamo, and cloth was made in marvelous designe.” The video was uploaded on 27th Aug 2022.
Clarifying the facts about the video, Joseph Njovu shared the making of the video that is going viral with various false claims.
The viral video is not real. A graphically created video by Joseph Njovu is being shared as real on social media.
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सफेद परछाई जैसी प्रेत आत्मा ट्रक के ऊपर मंडराती दिख रही है I Nokiye
Post Date: 20 Dec 2022
Post ID: #80913