The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
A video showing a police officer applying Vaseline on an ATM card and covering it up in aluminum foil to withdraw any...
An old image of PM Narendra Modi and veteran Air Chief Marshal Arjan Singh is being shared on social media as recent...
A video of boats performing the Dragon dance in China is being shared from Kerala on social media. Please read more about...
Social media users are sharing the screenshot to claim that former US President Donald Trump's Twitter account has been reinstated. Please read...
An edited image of people holding a poster that states "We Don’t want Kashmir! Give us Virat Kohli. Please read more about...
An image of Virat Kohli and Ashish Nehra is being shared on social media with false claims. Please read more about it...