This news failed our verification process. There is no authentic report except a few sites referring the other. Please find more details...
The post circulating on social media saying GIF Images are dangerous is false. Please find more details at the verification section of...
Angiography for Rs. 5000 at JJ Hospital is a false news. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
This post circulating saying Julian Assange said America Fears Modi is false. Please find more details at the verification section of this...
This is fake post. She is not blind. She is a little girl from Iran. Please find more details at the verification...
This is a hoax about Salim Khan having 4 sons. Its actually a Just for Fun post done by a Facebook Page....
This is a hoax. There is no such announcement made by Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg. This is a hoax which says its...
This head transplant news was a hoax from the News Examiner, a fake news site started by Paul Horner, the former lead...
This is a false news. There is no such notification or report about this order. Please find more details at the verification...
This is false news. There is absolutely no authentic proof for this claim. Please find more details at the verification section of...