Internet Rumours

[SPAM] रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो

रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो

The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.

[SPAM] रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो

The fake post is shared with claims about an advertisement video shared as a real incident.

Post Information:

The below post has been circulating on social media

रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो


Verification: The viral video shared is for an Advertisement purpose and is not a real incident

A clip from an advertisement video is being shared on social media as a real incident showing a woman being attacked by a crocodile with various captions such as, ” रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो लड़की को मगरमच्छ ने खा लिया सतर्क हो जाओ रील बनाना बंद करो”, “रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो.” The claim of the video is false and misleading. The post can be seen on Instagram here, and here. Check the links shared below to know the facts:

The viral video shared as real can be seen published on YouTube and is dated 3rd October 2013 with the description “The 7th instalment of our #imapreviewgirl video series.
How Not To Instagram is part of Preview Magazine’s #imapreviewgirl campaign that started with our September 2013 issue. We asked our friends from the film industry to interpret what a Preview Girl means to them; it was an open brief and they could do anything they wanted. There are more videos coming up, so stay tuned to our channel and discover what it is being an #imapreviewgirl..”

Check the video shared below.

Check the screenshot from the video. You can see the text “Choose Your Bags Wisely” Its an advertisement video.

The viral video is a commercial advertisement for Preview Magazine 2013, with the words “choose your bag wisely” at the end and the Hashtag #IMAPreviewGir.

Claim – रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो

Conclusion – A clip from an advertisement video is being shared as a real incident showing a woman being attacked by a crocodile

We ensure that you are updated with the facts. Please Check4Spam before you believe and forward any doubtful image, message, or video. Be cautious, and be safe.


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रील बनाने के चक्कर में बिलकुल भी मदहोश ना हो I Nokiye

Post Date: 02 July 2024

Post ID: #81612


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